Outreaches of the ministry
The vision of Living Water Ministries -Liberia is accomplished through the following strategies: Bible training centers, missions and discipleship, Church planting, evangelistic campaigns, and relief.
Bible Training
Through interdenominational Bible Training Centers established in the capital city, Monrovia. and the leeward counties, thousands of believers have been trained to become effective laborers in the Lord's vineyard. Presently several campuses operating around the country: Monrovia, Careysburg, Ganta, Gbarnga, Dolo's Town, Kakata, Foya and Voinjama
Church planting
Living Water Ministries has trained hundreds of Pastors many of whom have become effective in pursuing their call as Shepherds of God's flock both in Liberia and around the world. An effective arm of the ministry responsible for training full time ministers is the third year Advanced School of Ministries (ASOM).
Missions and Discipleship
In obedience to the Great Commission as outlined by Jesus Christ in Matthew 28 and Mark 16, missionary training and discipleship formation is an integral part of the vision of purposes of Living Water Ministries. Students of our Bible Training Centers are are taught both by precept an example. Second year graduates are given the opportunity to serve as indegenous missionaries in remote areas of the nation. Over the years students have learned the ropes o fruitful ministry through programs such as Religious Education, Youth Ministry, and Children's Ministry
Evangelistic campaigns
Soul winning evangelistic campaigns serve as a crucial arm of the ministry in touching the nation with the love of Christ. Students are not only trained to reach their communities through personal evangelism but they are also afforded the opportunity to participate in mass miracle evangelistic campaigns.